Tendon Transfers in Foot and Ankle Surgery – a cadaver course
15 November 2022, Glasgow
Venue: University of Glasgow, Department of Anatomy Cadaver Skills Lab
Aimed at: Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeons, Senior specialist registrars and Fellows with an interest in foot and ankle surgery, paediatric orthopaedic surgeons and surgeons with an interest in sports injuries of foot and ankle
Learning style: Hands-on Cadaver dissections of different tendon transfers in foot and ankle, video demonstrations of patient surgery and lectures
Learning outcomes: Indications for tendon transfer surgery in forefoot pathology, cavo-vaurs/neurological deformities, Flat foot reconstructions and neglected Achilles tendon ruptures For programme, see file attached.
Convener: Mr C Senthil Kumar, Glasgow Royal Infirmary
Fee: £200
To book a place: please contact 2019csk@gmail.com or phone 01412013751
NB - Course is now full and registration closed