BOFAS can provide support for applications from members for ACCEA. 

  1. The Honorary Secretary is able to support applications for National Clinical Excellence awards by providing a citation.
  2. Once application forms have been submitted, please communicate directly with the Honorary Secretary providing:
    1.  GMC number
    2. A copy of the submitted application form
    3. Clear stipulation of the level of award applied for
  3. In the event of more than one member applying for the same level of award and requiring BOFAS assistance, it is mandated that the Honorary Secretary ranks the citations.
  4. Please give as much notice as possible to enable a high quality citation to be written, submitted and, if necessary, ranked. The ranking process is anonymised and independently scrutinised.
  5. The Honorary Secretary reserves the right to refuse to endorse last minute requests for support within a week of the national submission deadline if he/she are indisposed.

Email the Honorary Secretary