BOFAS 2025 Prize Winners
Podium Prizes:
First Prize - Chan Cheng Memorial Prize for Clinical Paper:
Adrian Kendal, Mortality, re-amputation and post operative complication rates following 28,000 below knee amputation in diabetic patients in England: a national population study 2002-2022.
First Trainee Prize & Klenerman Prize for Basic Science Paper:
Samuel Briggs-Price, The Impact of Achilles Tendon Rupture on the Structure and Function of the Achilles Tendon and Plantarflexors after Non-Surgical Management: A Cross-Sectional Study
Second Trainee Prize:
Samer Bitar, Clinical comparison of fixed bearing versus mobile bearing total ankle replacement
Third Trainee Prize:
Murtaza Khan, A National survey of BOFAS members on the treatment of primary osteochondral defects of the talus
Poster Prizes:
Best Poster Prize:
Pheemaphol Samornpitakul, Effects of Mecobalamin on the functional outcomes of complex regional pain syndrome type 1 of the foot and ankle.
Tips & Tricks Prize:
Karan Malhotra, When do I operate on that cavus foot? A traffic light system