Togay Koç
/ Categories: Abstracts, 2018, Podium

Anatomy of the insertion of the posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament and its relevance to posterior malleolar rotational pilon fractures

M.L. Jayatilaka, A. Fisher, L. Fisher, A. Molloy, L. Mason

Introduction: The treatment of posterior malleolar fractures is developing. Mason and Molloy ( Foot Ankle Int. 2017 Nov;38(11):1229-1235) identified only 49% of posterior malleolar rotational pilon type fractures had syndesmotic instabilities. This was against general thinking that fixation of such a fragment would stabilize the syndesmosis.

Methods: We examined 10 cadaveric lower limbs that had been preserved for dissection at the Human Anatomy and Resource Centre at Liverpool University in a solution of formaldehyde. The lower limbs were carefully dissected to identify the ligamentous structures on the posterior aspect of the ankle. To compare the size to the rotational pilon posterior malleolar fracture (Mason and Molloy 2A and B) we gathered information from our posterior malleolar fracture database. 3D CT imaging was analysed using our department PACS system.

Results: The PITFL insertion on the posterior aspect of the tibia is very large. The average size of insertion was 54.9x47.1mm across the posterior aspect of the tibia. Medially the PITFL blends into the sheath of tibialis posterior and laterally into the peroneal tendon sheath. 78 posterior lateral and 35 posterior medial fragments were measured. On average, the lateral to medial size of the posteromalleolar fragment was 24.5mm in the posterolateral fragment, and 43mm if there is a posteromedial fragment present also. The average distal to proximal size of the posterolateral fragment was 24.5mm and 18.5mm for the posteromedial fragment.

Conclusion: The PITFL insertion on the tibia is broad. In comparison to the average size of the posterior malleolar fragments, the PITFL insertion is significantly bigger. Therefore, for a posterior malleolar fracture to cause posterior syndesmotic instability, a ligamentous injury will also have to occur. This explains the finding by Mason and Molloy that only 49% of type 2 injuries had a syndesmotic injury on testing.

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