BOFAS Abstracts Archive

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A cadaveric comparison of the anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (AITFL) versus the posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (PITFL) in preventing talar shift in syndesmotic ankle injuries

Categories: Abstracts, 2017, Poster

A cadaveric comparison of the anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (AITFL) versus the posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (PITFL) in preventing talar shift in syndesmotic ankle injuries

J. Littlechild, A. Mayne, F. Harrold, G. Chami

1Ninewells Hospital, NHS Tayside, Department of Orthopaedics, Dundee, United Kingdom 

A cohort study of union following subtalar fusion dependent on the presence of an adjacent ankle fusion

Categories: Abstracts, 2022, Poster

A cohort study of union following subtalar fusion dependent on the presence of an adjacent ankle fusion

T. Jennison, J. Dalgleish, S. Taher, C. Chadwick, C. Blundell, M. Davies, H. Davies

1Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Sheffield, United Kingdom

A comparison of 1st MTPJ arthrodesis and total joint replacement, a clinical and biomechanical analysis

Categories: Abstracts, 2025-Jan, Poster

A comparison of 1st MTPJ arthrodesis and total joint replacement, a clinical and biomechanical analysis

R Rajan, J Shrestha, V Upadhyay, J Vhanda, D Ananda-Rajan

1University Hospitals of Derby & Burton, Derby
2University of Plymouth, Plymouth

A comparison of postoperative footwear following forefoot surgery. A randomised control trial

Categories: Abstracts, 2015, Poster

A comparison of postoperative footwear following forefoot surgery. A randomised control trial

K. Robinson, F. Harrold, A. Fox, C. Chadwick, C. Blundell, M. Davies

1Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Trauma and Orthopaedics, Sheffield, United Kingdom

2Ninewells Hospital, Trauma and Orthopaedics, Dundee, United Kingdom

3University Hospital of South Manchester, Trauma and Orthopaedics, Manchester, United Kingdom

A guide for surgeons to orientate the ideal trans-syndesmotic fixation – a novel technique based on CT

Categories: Abstracts, 2023, Poster

A guide for surgeons to orientate the ideal trans-syndesmotic fixation – a novel technique based on CT

A. Patel, S. Merie, V. Kothari, A. Roche

1Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, Trauma & Orthopaedics, London, United Kingdom

First Place BOFAS 2023 Best Poster Prize


Archive of Abstracts

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