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Categories: Abstracts, 2025-Jan, Podium

Neo-Chondrogenesis Using Autologous Matrix Induced Membrane (AMIC) In The Treatment Of Freiberg's Disease Of Lesser Metatarsals Up To 7 Year Follow Up Results

G Koshy, A Rajeev, K Devalia

1Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gateshead

Background: Freibergs infraction is osteonecrosis of lesser metatarsal heads, most commonly affecting adolescent females. They usually present with pain and swelling of the forefoot. Surgical options include open debridement, cheilectomy, micro fracture osteotomy and excision arthroplasty. The aim of the study is to present the results of our surgical method based on the principle of neo-angiogenesis, neo-osteogenesis and neo-chondrogenesis with bone
grafting and AMIC membrane application for Freiberg’s disease of lesser metatarsals.

Methods: A prospective analysis of twelve patients who had Freiberg’s infraction of the lesser toe metatarsals treated with open debridement, microfracture, bone grafting and application of AMIC membrane was carried out. The patients were followed up to seven years and the outcome measures were scored using Smillie’s classification, radiological findings and the Manchester-Oxford Foot Questionnaire (MOxFQ).

Results: There were 9 (75%) female and 3(25%) male patients. The mean age was 42.7 years (range- 19 to 60). The mean follow-up time was 6.6 years. The most common site was second metatarsal, ten (83%) followed by third metatarsal, two (17%). According to Smillie’s classification three lesions were labelled as Stage 3 and ten as Stage 4. There were no postoperative infections. None of the patients needed any further surgical intervention. The mean base line MOxFQ was 43.75 (SD- 43.75±12.40) which improved to 7.19(SD-7.18±4.63) the mean baseline EQ-5D improved from 7.85 (SD-7.85±5.08) to1.39(SD-1.39±0.75) at the final follow up. 80 % of the patients had complete remodelling of the head of metatarsal at the final follow up radiology.

Conclusions: Open debridement of the Freiberg's disease combined with microfracture of the defect, bone grafting and application of AMIC membrane gives good long term functional outcomes.

Previous Article Neglected and relapsed clubfoot in adults, the functional outcome of acute surgical correction
Next Article New model foot and ankle service pathway - pilot results 2 years

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