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Categories: Abstracts, 2023, Podium

Neglected and relapsed clubfoot in adults, the functional outcome of acute surgical correction

S. Nogdallah, M. Fatooh, A. Khairy, H. Mohamed, A. Abdulrahman, H. Mohamed

1Alneelain University, Orthopaedics and Trauma, Khartoum, Sudan

2Bashaer University Hospital, Orthopaedics and Trauma, Khartoum, Sudan

Background: Neglected clubfoot in this series is defined as untreated equino-cavo-adducto-varus in older children, or adults. Relapsed clubfoot is the residual deformity that remains after single or multiple surgical interventions. Severe neglected clubfoot rarely exists today in developed countries, except in some emigrants from low- and middle-income countries. Acute surgical management with corrective mid-foot osteotomy and elongation of the Achilles tendon has excellent functional outcome.

Objective: To assess the functional outcome of acute correction of neglected Talipes-quino-varus deformity in adults.

Methods: This is cross sectional, hospital–based study that took place in Khartoum, Sudan. Forty patients were included in this study. Midfoot osteotomy and elongation of the Achilles tendon were performed to all patients. Data was collected using a questionnaire and the functional outcome has been assessed using the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society Score (AOFAS). This score was measured before surgery and one years after surgery.

Results: The mean age was 19.9±4.7 years. Males were 25 (62.5%) and females were 15 (37.5%). The mean preoperative AOFAS score was 37.7±7.1 (poor). This score improved to 80.7±13.7 (good to excellent), two years after surgery. However, this indicates significant change in the functional outcome after the operation (P value < 0.05). Excellent post-operative functional outcome was found among patients aged 18 – 23 years 18 (50%) P. value: 0.021. The majority of patients 36(90%) were fully satisfied with the operation, 2(5%) partially satisfied and 2(5%) were unsatisfied.

Conclusion: Acute correction of neglected and relapsed TEV with elongation of the Achilles tendon and single midfoot osteotomy has excellent functional outcome as assessed by AOFAS Score. The satisfaction with this procedure is impressive. The younger age population showed better outcomes with this procedure.

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