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Categories: Abstracts, 2025-Jan, Poster

Effects of Mecobalamin on the functional outcomes of complex regional pain syndrome type 1 of the foot and ankle

P Samornpitakul, M Arunakul

1Faculty of Medicine, Thammasat University, Thailand
2Department of Orthopaedics, Faculty of Medicine, Thammasat University, Thailand

Best Poster Prize

Purpose: The objective is to evaluate the effects of Mecobalamin on the functional outcomes in patients with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) type 1 of the foot and ankle.

Methods: Forty seven patients diagnosed with acute complex regional pain syndrome type 1 of the foot and ankle were recruited. Patients were randomly allocated into a control group (23 patients) and a Mecobalamin group (24 patients), both receiving similar pain control medications and rehabilitation programs. Three divided doses of mecobalamin 1.5mg/day were provided to the Mecobalamin group for the first 3 months, whereas a placebo was
administered to the control group. Data was collected from the pre-treatment period, and from 1, 3, 6 and 12 months following the treatment.

Results: Both groups had similar demographics. The mean FAAM-ADL and FAAM-sport in the Mecobalamin group at 3 months were 74.5±17.9 and 56.3±22.9, respectively, whereas the mean FAAM-ADL and FAAM-sport in the placebo group at 3 months were 62.2.5±15.2 and 43.4±14.9, respectively. There was a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) between the FAAM-ADL and FAAM-sport scores of the Mecobalamin group and the control group. The SF-36 Mental Health subscale after 3 months was 83.3±9.5 points and 75.8±12.6 points in the Mecobalamin and placebo group, respectively. There was a statistically significant improvement in the SF-36 Mental Health subscale score in the Mecobalamin group. Both the amount and duration of total Pregabalin used in the Mecobalamin group was significantly lower than the control group. The pain scores of both groups had no statistical significance.

Conclusion: This small study revealed a statistically significant improvement of the functional outcomes in patients with CRPS type 1 of the foot and ankle who received Mecobalamin instead of a placebo, as well as a statistically significant reduction in the amount and duration of total Pregabalin used in the Mecobalamin group.

Previous Article Effect of fibula shortening on medial clear space and lateral translation of the talus: an anatomical cadaveric study
Next Article Elderly ankle fracture management: putting the evidence into practice

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