British Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society
To apply for membership to BOFAS, please complete the form below. Your application will be considered once we hear back from your proposer and seconder.
Items marked with a * are required.
Full member: consultants or equivalent status (subscription £150/year)
Associate member: specialist orthopaedic registrars or other non-consultant career grades in orthopaedics (subscription £75/year)
Affiliate member: non-medically qualified practitioners in allied disciplines of the foot OR medically-qualified non-orthopaedic practitioners with a foot interest (subscription £75/year)
Corresponding Member: new members who are from Overseas and who would qualify for Full, Associate or Affiliate membership and who wish to be acquainted of the Society's activites but do not wish to receive the Journal of the Society. They have no voting rights and membership is subject to regular review by the Council. Overseas is defined as being outwith the United Kingdom. (No fee)
Please complete your home address details and any work and private practice addresses you may have
In line with other societies, BOFAS will be collecting demographic information on its members to ensure equal opportunities. This is done on a voluntary basis and you are not obliged to supply this data. Therefore, If you prefer not to answer a specific question, please select 'I prefer not to answer' from the drop-down box. Please be assured that this data is held in the strictest confidence and is only viewable by key BOFAS website administrators including the COO, Webmaster, Honorary Secretary and Treasurer. This information cannot and will not be viewed by any other members / patients. From time to time, this data may be anonymously processed to assist BOFAS in shaping its EDI strategy. Thank you for your kind consideration and cooperation.