Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus
- Common condition associated with ankle injuries
- Terms include OCL (lesion) and OCD (defect)
- Symptoms may be nonspecific and include:
- pain (frequently deep seated)
- swelling
- stiffness
- mechanical symptoms of locking / catching
- Acute osteochondral injuries mostly result from ankle sprains
- Clinical examination may only reveal diffuse swelling and painful motion
- Trauma is the cause of most lateral OCDs but only 64% of medial
- Medial lesions are usually deeper and more likely to become cystic
- Lateral lesions are shallower and more likely to have an associated wafer or flake fracture
- Location:
- 53% medial
- 26% lateral
- In the sagittal plane:
- 80% are middle
- 6% anterior
- 14% posterior
Plain radiographs
- Standing AP & lateral +/- mortise +/- AMI (anteromedial impingement) views
- Seen as a poorly defined radiolucent area in the affected area of the talar dome
- Low sensitivity of plain radiographs (41%) often warrants further imaging
CT scan
- 81% sensitive and 99% specific for the diagnosis of OCLs
- Limited information on articular cartilage quality
- Helps to assess size, location and displacement of the lesion
- SPECT may help to identify co-existing pathology as well as showing the activity around the lesion
- Considered the gold-standard imaging for ankle OCLs
- Assessment of articular cartilage
- Identifies lesion depth and subchondral inflammatory changes
- 96% sensitive and 96% specific for the diagnosis of OCLs
- Accurately predicts stability of the lesion
Brendt and Harty is based on x-rays – still most widely used for talus OCLs
Stage I
small focal subchondral compression
Stage II
partially detached fragment
Stage III
completely detached but undisplaced fragment
Stage IV
completely detached and displaced fragment
Stage V
osteochondral cysts just below the damaged articular surface
Hepple et al. described an MRI-based classification system:
Stage 1
articular cartilage damage only
Stage 2a
cartilage injury with underlying fracture and bony oedema
Stage 2b
cartilage injury with underlying fracture without bony oedema
Stage 3
detached, undisplaced fragment
Stage 4
displaced fragment
Stage 5
subchondral cyst formation
- Reserved for symptomatic or progressive lesions
- Incidental findings may require follow up depending on patient’s age and level of physical activities
- The natural history of the OCLs remains unclear due to paucity of longitudinal follow-up studies
Conservative treatment
- Offload the injured cartilage
- Resolve the bone oedema
- Prevent necrosis and allow the detached fragment to heal to the underlying bone
- Activity modification
- Immobilisation in the acute phase for 3-4 weeks +/- NSAIDs
- Progressive weight bearing in a walker boot with physical therapy for 6-10 weeks
- Intra-articular steroid injection
- Limited evidence for PRP injections
- Unpredictable; may only benefit <50% of patients
- No convincing literature to confirm duration of non-operative treatment, method of immobilisation, weight bearing status, the use of NSAIDs, and physical therapy protocol
- True success rate of conservative treatment remains debatable
- Some studies have reported ankle arthritis in approximately 50% patients who were managed conservatively
Surgical treatment
- Excision alone
- Excision with curettage
- Excision with bone marrow stimulation
- Excision with curette and auto/allograft
- Excision with curetted and particulated juvenile cartilage
- Retrograde drilling
- Excision with autologous matrix-induced chondrogenesis (AMIC)
- Matrix-induced autologous chondrocyte implantation (MACI)
- Osteochondral auto/allograft transplantation
- Acute injuries should be managed with urgent arthroscopy
- Larger fragments should be reduced and fixed (absorbable pins / headless screws) to their anatomical location
- Smaller or devitalized fragments are resected, and the lesion base is prepared with bone marrow stimulation
Bone marrow stimulation
- Most frequently performed intervention for primary talar OCLs
- Good clinical results at short and mid-term follow-up
- 85% successful outcome with combination of:
- excision of osteochondral fragment
- curettage of the affected area
- bone marrow stimulation
- Combined excision of fragments and curettage resulted in good outcome in 77% of cases
- Excision of fragments alone in good results in 32% of cases
Alternative techniques
- Lift, Drill, Fill and Fix (LDFF)
- minimally invasive arthroscopic technique
- recommended for primary lesions >1 cm2
- two device fixation if possible to prevent rotation
- requires radiographic and arthroscopic control
- considered to be an effective option for OCLs with intact joint cartilage
- technique:
- using arthroscopy and fluoroscopic guidance, a guidewire is passed to the lesion without breaching the articular surface
- cannulated drill is used to decompress
- drill tunnel can be used for delivery of bone graft
- Osteochondral autologous grafting (OAT)
- harvesting of cylindrical osteochondral grafts, most commonly from the non-weight-bearing surface of lateral femoral condyle, implanted into the affected lesion of the talar dome
- technically challenging, requiring expertise and accuracy for optimum results
- indications:
- lesions >1.5 cm2
- recurrent lesions or refractory to other treatment methods
- lesions associated with subchondral cysts
- early results are superior to debridement with microfracture
- Allograft transplantation
- indicated for lesions >3 cm2, esp at the shoulder of the talus
- utilises fresh cadaver allograft with viable chondrocytes and normal subchondral bone (use within 2 weeks of obtaining graft)
- Autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI)
- Indicated for:
- recurrent OCLs of any size
- primary treatment of lesions >2.5 cm2
- with or without subchondral cysts
- patients aged 15-55y
- no degenerative change or mirror-image OCLs
- no instability or joint malalignment
- Matrix-induced autologous chondrocyte implantation (MACI)
- use of a collagen membrane to carry the cells
- eliminates the need for autograft harvesting and associated morbidity
- encouraging early results
- Matrix-augmented bone marrow stimulation (m-BMS)
- increasingly used
- involves debriding the chondral surface to a stable rim, preparing and filling the bone defect with autologous bone graft, then laying a matrix on top
- matrix materials have included type I/III collagen, polyglycolic acid and hyaluronan
- primarily indicated for larger lesions
- limited evidence
- should only be used as a second / third-line treatment
Prognostic Factors
- Positive prognostic factors:
- lesions <1.5 cm2
- contained lesions
- anterolateral lesions
- Negative prognostic factors:
- older age (>33-40y)
- lesions deeper than 7 mm
- lesions > 1.5 cm2
- cystic lesions
- medial talar lesions
- higher BMI
- history of trauma
- longer duration of symptoms
- ankle instability – correct before or during procedure
- limb malalignment – correct before or during procedure
- osteophytes or degenerative change
- Hepple S, Winson IG, Glew D. Osteochondral lesions of the talus: a revised classification. Foot Ankle Int. 1999;20(12):789-93.
- Coi JI, Lee KB; Comparison of clinical outcomes between arthroscopic subchondral drilling and microfracture for osteochondral lesions of the talus; Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc; 2016 Jul;24(7):2140-7. doi: 10.1007/s00167-015-3511-1. Epub 2015 Feb 4.
- van Bergen C.J., Kox L.S., Maas M., Sierevelt I.N., Kerkhoffs G.M., van Dijk C.N. Arthroscopic treatment of osteochondral defects of the talus: outcomes at eight to twenty years of follow-up. J. Bone Joint Surg. Am. 2013;95(6):519–525.
- Reilingh ML, Murawski CD, DiGiovanni CW, Dahmen J, Ferrao PNF, Lambers KTA, et al. Fixation techniques: Proceedings of the international consensus meeting on cartilage repair of the ankle. Foot Ankle Int. 2018;39:23S–27S.
- Migliorini F, Maffulli N, Bell A, Hildebrand F, Weber CD, Lichte P. Autologous Matrix-Induced Chondrogenesis (AMIC) for Osteochondral Defects of the Talus: A Systematic Review. Life (Basel). 2022 Oct 29;12(11):1738.
- Maiorano E Bianchi A Hosseinzadeh MK Malerba F Martinelli N & Sansone V. HemiCAP(R) implantation after failed previous surgery for osteochondral lesions of the talus. Foot and Ankle Surgery 20212777–8.